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"경영학자 선정 대한민국 최우수경영대상" 시상규정

제 1 조 (명칭)
이 상의 명칭은 ‘경영학자 선정 대한민국 최우수경영대상’으로 한다.

제 2 조 (목적) 한국경영학회는 국가 경제 발전 및 경영학의 발전에 지대한 공헌을 수행한 기업을 선정하여 경영학자 선정 대한민국 최우수경영대상을 시상한다. 최우수경영대상 기업은 고용을 창출하여 국민 경제에 이바지하며, 기업 본래의 목적에 충실하고 투명한 경영을 실천하며 다른 기업에 모범이 되는 기업이어야 한다. 최우수경영대상 기업은 시대상황에 따라 여러 분야에 걸쳐 선정할 수 있으며, 시상분야는 Award 제정위원회에서 심의, 결정한다.

제 3 조 (선정기준)
최우수경영대상 기업은 다음의 조건을 만족하는 기업으로 정한다.
가. 경영혁신
나. 창조경영의 실천
다. 글로벌 경영 성과
라. 동반성장에의 기여
마. 기업가치 증대 및 기타 경영선도적인 활동

제 4 조 (시상)
경영학자 선정 대한민국 최우수경영대상은 한국경영학회가 주관 혹은 후원하는 행사에서 시상한다.

제 5 조(선정절차)
수상자는 운영위원회에서 선정한다.

역대 수상기업 명단

수상년도 수상부문 수상기업 명단
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혁신경영-공기업부문 중소기업진흥공단
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상생경영부문 (주)홈앤쇼핑
제6회 2018년 공공가치경영-공기업 부문 한국자산관리공사
사회적 가치경영-공기업 부문 인천국제공항공사
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창의경영 부문 (주)삼구아이앤씨
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  • Korean
  • English

Regulation for the “KASBA Best Business Practice Award”

Article 1 (Name)
The name of this award shall be the ‘KASBA Best Business Practice Award'.

Article 2 (Purpose) The Korean Academic Society of Business Administration selects companies that have contributed greatly to the development of national economic development and business administration, and awards the KASBA Best Business Practice Award. Companies that win the award should contribute to the national economy by creating employment, practice transparent management faithful to the original purpose of the company, and set an example for other companies. The companies can be selected in various fields according to the times, and the award field will be deliberated and decided by the Award Establishment Committee.

Article 3 (Selection Criteria)
Companies that meet the following are selected for the KASBA Best Business Practice Award.
A. Management innovation
B. Practice of creative management
C. Global management performance
D. Contribution to shared growth
E. Increased corporate value and other management-leading activities

Article 4 (Award)
The KASBA Best Business Practice Award is awarded at an event organized or sponsored by the Korean Academic Society of Business Administration.

Article 5 (Selection Procedure)
The award-winning company is selected by the steering committee.

List of Past Winners

Year Field Award-winning company
8th 2020 Leading global market IDIS Holdings Co., Ltd.
Social value management-Public enterprise Incheon Metropolitan City Development Corporation
7th 2019 Quality-oriented management Asung Daiso Co., Ltd.
Innovation management-Public enterprise Small & Medium Business Corporation
Ethical management Handok Co., Ltd.
Win-win management Home & Shopping Co., Ltd.
6th 2018 Public value management-Public enterprise Korea Asset Management Corporation
Social value management-Public enterprise Incheon International Airport Corporation
Shared growth KB CAPITAL CO., LTD.
Professional knowledge service EY Hanyoung
Creative management Samgu I&C
Win-win management CPF Co., Ltd.
Customer’s life value management Korea Ceramic Living Co., Ltd.
5th 2017 Franchise Genesis BBQ
Professional knowledge service Samil Accounting Corporation
Investment finance Affinity Equity Partners
Pioneering new creative technologies LG Display Co., Ltd.
Port logistics Ulsan Port Authority
Living environment home appliance Coway Co., Ltd.
Home interior Hanssem Co., Ltd.
4th 2016 Local economy activation Mario Outlet Co., Ltd.
Global finance BC Card Co., Ltd.
Shared growth Panasonic Korea Co., Ltd.
Customer satisfaction education service enterprise DYB EDUCATION
Financial services KEB HANA BANK
Customer-oriented management KT Co., Ltd.
3rd 2015 National happiness service company Duo Information Co., Ltd.
Small hidden champion of global market development Interojo Co., Ltd.
Public enterprise of creative shared growth Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd.
Distribution company of consumer culture innovation Hyundai Department Store
Creative brand management L&P Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
2nd 2014 Cultural content financial support IBK Industrial Bank
Creative technology finance Technology Guarantee Fund
Global creative management SM Entertainment
Global quality management Meta Biomed
Creative new product development Genic
1st 2013 Creative marketing strategy Binggrae Co., Ltd.
Medical service innovation Samsung Seoul Hospital
Frontier brand Jeju Air
Quality management Taelim Packaging Industry Co., Ltd.
Creative new product development Tony Moly
Win-win management Korea Creative Content Agency