
[한국경영학회] APBR Special Issue: K-HRM 논문투고 재공고


[한국경영학회] APBR Special Issue: K-HRM 논문투고 재공고

한국경영학회 회원을 위한

특집호 논문 접수 재공고


Asia Pacific Business Review Special Issue (APBR):


Korean Human Resource Management as Number One: Lessons for the Asia Pacific



변경 사항: Abstracts접수 마감이 331일이고, Full Paper 제출은 930일입니다



Guest Editors:

이영면 교수 (동국대학교 경영대학 경영학과)

오인규 교수 (Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, Japan)

Professor Chris Rowley (Kellogg College, Oxford University & Bayes Business School, City, University of London, UK)

정연승 교수 (단국대학교 경영경제대학 경영학부)


회원 여러분 안녕하십니까? 한국경영학회는 APBR 편집위원회와 공동으로 K-HRM(한국의 인적자원관리)의 경영학적 연구를 주제로 APBR (SSCI 등재지, IF = 2.011) 특집호를 기획하고 있습니다. 초록 선정기준을 통과한 저자들은 20238월 한국경영학회 융합학술대회에서 개최하는 K-HRM 워크숍에서 논문을 발표하고, 이후 최종 선정된 논문들은 APBR의 특집호에 출간하게 됩니다. 다음의 주제를 다루고 있는 논문을 모집합니다.

· 전통적 관행과 새로운 관행을 모두 반영한 K-HRM에 대한 문헌 검토

· K-HRM과 다른 비교대상국과의 비교 연구

· K-HRM의 모든 분야에서 이루어지는 변화와 개혁

· 한국의 인적 자본, 사회적 자본, 특정 및 비특정 투자, 그리고 기타 HRM 기관 등에 대한 제도적 접근

· 삼성전자, 네이버, 메리츠금융그룹, SK그룹, 신한금융그룹, 현대자동차, LG그룹, 롯데그룹 등 국내의 대표적 HRM 사례연구

· 지구온난화 및 기타 지속가능성 문제에 대응하는 K-HRM의 전략적 변화(: 전기자동차)

· 인구통계학적 이슈에 대응하는 K-HRM의 전략적 변화(: 저출산 및 급속한 고령화)

· K-HRM에서의 다양성(: 인종, 민족, 성별)

· 다국적 자회사에서 이루어지는 K-HRM의 글로벌화

· 4차 산업혁명이 K-HRM에 미치는 영향

· 기타 관련 주제



Abstracts 제출 마감 기한은 331일이며, Full Paper 제출 마감은 930일입니다.

2023331: 초록 마감 (최대 500단어 + 간략한 이력서)

            초록제출: 오인규( 및 이영면(

2023415: 초록 합격자 발표

2023715: PPT 파워포인트 자료 제출

2023816~18: 한국경영학회 융합학술대회(부산) 특별세션 발표(PPT자료)

2023930: 논문 제출

20231031: 논문심사 최종발표

202311: 논문의 온라인 출간

202312: 특집호 출간


자세한 내용은 APBR의 특집호 안내를 참고해 주세요 ( 요약본 투고와 질문은 오인규 교수와 ( 이영면 교수 (에게 해주세요.



Bae, J. and Rowley, C. 2001. “The impact of globalization on HRM: The case of South Korea.” Journal of World Business 36(4): 402-428.

Bae, J., Chen, S. J., and Rowley, C. 2011. “From a paternalistic model towards what? HRM trends in Korea and Taiwan.” Personnel Review 40(6): 700-722.

Budhwar, P. S., Varma, A., and Patel, C. 2016. “Convergence-divergence of HRM in the Asia-Pacific: Context-specific analysis and future research agenda.” Human Resource Management Review 26(4): 311-326.

Forbes. 2022. “World’s Best Employers.”

Froese, F. J. 2020. “Ready for global success? Strengths and weaknesses of Korean HRM.” Asian Business and Management 19(2): 179-183.

Froese, F. J., Sekiguchi, T., and Maharjan, M. P. 2018. “Human resource management in Japan and South Korea.” In Cooke, F.L. and Kim, S. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Human Resource Management in Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 274-294.

Kim, D. O. and Bae, J. 2005. “Workplace innovation, employment relations and HRM: two electronics companies in South Korea.” The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16(7): 1277-1302.

Lee, Y.-M. 2014. “The development of human resource management in South Korea.” In Kaufman, B. (ed.), The Development of Human Resource Management Across Nations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 326-362.

_____. 2021. Employment Relations (7th edition). Seoul: Kyoungmunsa (in Korean).

Miles, L. 2008. “The significance of cultural norms in the evolution of Korean HRM practices.” International Journal of Law and Management 50(1): 33-46.

Oh, I. 2010. “Education and development: Why are Koreans obsessed with learning?” Comparative Sociology 9(3): 308-327.

Park, W. W. 2013. “Human resource management in South Korea.” In Budhwar, P.S. and Debrah, Y.A. (eds.), Human Resource Management in Developing Countries. London: Routledge, pp. 34-55,

Rowley, C. and Bae, J. 2002. “Globalization and transformation of human resource management in South Korea.” International Journal of Human Resource Management 13(3): 522-549.

Rowley, C., Benson, J., and Warner, M. 2004. “Towards an Asian model of human resource management? A comparative analysis of China, Japan and South Korea.” International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(4-5): 917-933.


초록 양식 안내

1. Abstracts should be written in English(초록파일의 모든 내용은 영문으로 작성해 주세요). Use MS Word format(아래아 한글 파일을 피해주세요). Send to Editors: Oh, Ingyu (오인규) ( and Lee, Young-Myon(이영면) ( Submit Article을 이용해서 접수하지 않습니다.)

2. Abstracts should be no more than 500 words, references are not counted.(초록은 500단어 이내이며 참고문헌은 단어수 계산에서 제외됩니다.)

3. All authors' bibliographies are required.(모든 저자의 약력이 필요합니다.)

4. You may take a look at the abstracts example at the end of this memo. Please have native speakers check the abstract before sending it.(본 안내문의 마지막에 있는 요약문 예시를 참고하십시요. 보내기전에 반드시 원어민 교정을 받아주세요.)



1. 공공기관이나 사회적 기업 등을 포함한 비영리조직에 대한 연구는 투고를 삼가해 주세요. 예외적으로 최대 한두편 내외로 게재될 예정입니다.

2. 초록에 저자의 이름이 포함되어도 상관없습니다.

3. 사례 연구가 아닌 경우 실증분석(양적 분석 또는 질적 분석)을 필요로 합니다. 실증분석 자료는 2021년 이후의 자료가 포함되어야 합니다.

4. 초록에는 중요 내용들이 포함되어야 합니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다. (1) 연구문제의 특정, (2) 선행연구에 따른 연구문제의 중요성, (3) 가설과 검증결과 데이터, (4) 검증방법에 대한 간단한 설명 (역사적 연구외에는 2021년 이후에 제작된 자료가 포함되어야 유효합니다); (5) 이론적 실천적 함의 (간단한 설명); (6) 키워드: 6개 이상 등입니다.


Timelines Change


31 March 2023: Deadline for submission abstracts (max. 500 words) + short bios

15 April 2023: Notification of abstract acceptance

15 July 2023: Submission of paper presentation with PowerPoint files

16-18 August 2023: Presentation in the special session at KASBA Meeting in Busan, Korea

30 September 2023: Submission of full paper

31 October 2023: Final acceptance decision

November 2023: Publication of selected papers online

December 2023: Publication of the Special Issue


Abstracts Example


Title(Times New Roman, 12 point, Bold)

Korean Human Resource Management as Number One: Lessons for the Asia Pacific (Times New Roman, 12 point)



As it has well been documented by many, the South Korean economy is a model case of development for former colonies, as its current size is 10th in the world with its 6th highest per capita GDP among the countries with 50 million people or more. One of the factors of this miraculous success is the human resource (HR) practices and HR management (HRM) widely exercised in the country (see inter alia, Kim and Bae, 2005; Miles 2008; Oh 2010; Bae et al. 2011; Park 2013; Lee 2014, 2021). Indeed, Forbes has picked up Samsung Electronics as the best employer in the world for the three consecutive years since 2020 (Forbes, 2022). Other Korean firms that have put their names on the top 200 board are: Naver, Meritz Financial Group, SK Group and Shinhan Financial Group.

Since the Asian financial crisis of 1997, Korea has made a phenomenal effort to bring its ailing economy back on track with new HRM features that reflect globalization, efficiency and innovation, adequate for the new millennium. Samsung has taken a blazing role in reforming the conventional Korean HRM practices, which ushered in and routinized the following innovative outcomes: Core Ideology: a new emphasis on individuals, individual equity, and market principles; Human Resource Flow: recruitment on demand, from lifetime employment to lifetime career, development of professionalism; Human Resource Flow: recruitment on demand, from lifetime employment to lifetime career, development of professionalism; Evaluation and Reward: a new orientation toward ability and performance (e.g. annual pay), merit pay systems, evaluation for pay increases, 360° appraisals; Employee Influence: involvement of knowledge workers, more information sharing (Bae and Rowley 2001).

However, these five areas of HRM reforms are not only unique to Korea, nor do they automatically make Samsung and other similar Korean firms to be globally outstanding in the area of HRM performances. We, therefore, propose this Special Issue on the conundrum of Korean HRM: what are some of the hidden advantages of Korean-style HRM not only for Korean but also other firms in the Asia Pacific? We want to both qualify and quantify the above five areas of Korean HRM in order to explain its global standing with an additional focus on the future prognosis (Rowley and Bae 2002; Fröse 2020). Furthermore, what would the ripple effect of Korean HRM for neighbouring countries in the Asia Pacific (Rowley et al. 2004; Budhwar et al. 2016; Fröse et al. 2018)?

Please submit papers that address these broad questions of Korean HRM using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Although we prefer to receive contributions that deal with the topics specified below, other papers that focus on related questions are also welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to: Literature reviews of Korean HRM that highlight both conventional and reformed practices; Comparative studies of Korean HRM with other comparable countries; and Reforms of Korean HRM in all areas.


Bibliography of Authors

Young-Myon Lee is a professor of industrial relations in business administration department at Dongguk University since 1994. He earned his MBA at Seoul National University and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities after completing his undergraduate studies at Yonsei University. Lee’s primary research interests revolve around nonstandard workers, nonunion employee representation system, and workplace innovation.

Ingyu Oh is a Professor of International Business at Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, Japan. He is the president of the World Association for Hallyu Studies. His main research interests are economic sociology, cultural sociology and international business strategy. He is Managing Editor of Asia Pacific Business Review and Guest Editor of Special Issue on Korean Human Resource Management as Number One: Lessons for the Asia Pacific.



Bae, J. and Rowley, C. 2001. “The impact of globalization on HRM: The case of South Korea.” Journal of World Business 36(4): 402-428. (Times New Roman, 11 point)

Bae, J., Chen, S. J., and Rowley, C. 2011. “From a paternalistic model towards what? HRM trends in Korea and Taiwan.” Personnel Review 40(6): 700-722.

Forbes. 2022. “World’s Best Employers.”

Froese, F. J., Sekiguchi, T., and Maharjan, M. P. 2018. “Human resource management in Japan and South Korea.” In Cooke, F.L. and Kim, S. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Human Resource Management in Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 274-294.

Kim, D. O. and Bae, J. 2005. “Workplace innovation, employment relations and HRM: two electronics companies in South Korea.” The International Journal of Human Resource Management 16(7): 1277-1302.

Lee, Y.-M. 2014. “The development of human resource management in South Korea.” In Kaufman, B. (ed.), The Development of Human Resource Management Across Nations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 326-362.

Miles, L. 2008. “The significance of cultural norms in the evolution of Korean HRM practices.” International Journal of Law and Management 50(1): 33-46.

Oh, I. 2010. “Education and development: Why are Koreans obsessed with learning?” Comparative Sociology 9(3): 308-327.

Rowley, C., Benson, J., and Warner, M. 2004. “Towards an Asian model of human resource management? A comparative analysis of China, Japan and South Korea.” International Journal of Human Resource Management 15(4-5): 917-933.






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